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3/30/2016 7:43:39 AM
Pyze Mobile App Analytics Business Intelligence Emerges from Stealth
Pyze,Mobile Analytics
App Developer Magazine
Pyze Mobile App Analytics Business Intelligence Emerges from Stealth

Marketing & Promotion

Pyze Mobile App Analytics Business Intelligence Emerges from Stealth

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Richard Harris Richard Harris

We recently visited with Dickey Singh, co-founder and CEO of Pyze which recently emerged from stealth to introduce Pyze Growth Intelligence, a business intelligence platform for mobile app publishers. The platform provides publishers with a “Data Scientist in a Box” to maximize app growth and personalize engagement.

ADM: Pyze just emerged from stealth with a new business intelligence (BI) platform for mobile app developers. What market problem does Pyze aim to solve?

Singh: There is a huge disparity in the app store – a few apps are making well over $1 million dollars a day, while the majority of publishers are struggling to make an average of $500 a month. The large publishers dominating the market have big data pipelines and data scientists doing sophisticated behavioral targeting and retargeting of users to grow their app. The rest only have mobile analytics tools, which only provide pretty basic functionality. They are too time intensive and provide minimal value in engaging users. 

Pyze aims to level the playing field by bringing sophisticated intelligence and marketing tools to personalize and automate user engagement, free of charge, for everyone.

ADM: What exactly is mobile BI and how does it differ from mobile analytics?

Singh: There are quite a few differences, and I’ll point out just a few to keep it short.  

Mobile analytics is based on a-priori segmentation, which is essentially segmenting based on demographics, geography or type of user device. You create a segment of, let’s say, males who live in Springfield, and test for engagement scanning for patterns and insights. Then rinse and repeat until you find something useful. This approach does not scale for mobile, where you can easily have millions of users, as this takes up a lot of time.

Additionally, mobile analytics requires experts and data scientists to make sense of all the data, however data scientists are very resource-constrained and in high demand. They have to pull the data out into a tool like R, run reports and visualizations, and then put the data into an external system in order to take meaningful actions.

Mobile BI is a scalable and automated way of personalizing experience for an app user. It lets app publishers create a deep understanding of user behavior by auto-segmenting the entire user base across key behavioral attributes, looking for usage anomalies and behavioral shifts. It can automatically create individualized relationships with users at the most opportune time for each user. Growth can then be put on autopilot.  

ADM: What are the key features of Pyze Growth Intelligence and how does it compare to similar tools already in existence?

Singh: Key features of Pyze include the ability to provide key business metrics, predictions, real-time activity, cohorts, churn and automated event and screen funnel analysis in a very visual way. For example, you can see at a glance when’s the best time to run an install or engagement campaign. We call this visual intelligence.

Pyze’s Intelligence data explorer provides precise targeting across the entire user base through automated segmentation and real-time explorations using key behavioral attributes like engagement, loyalty, revenue, attrition-risk, cohorts and many more.

Growth Automation enables app publishers to create custom interaction points to onboard new users, identify and reward whales, engage active users and resurrect users in attrition, automatically driven by our intelligence, key user actions and usage milestones.

Contextual Marketing enables app publishers to create meaningful touch points with users via push notifications and in-app messaging, at the time when individual users are most receptive to each message type

Smart App Agents use artificial intelligence to adapt to an environment, intelligently minimize device resource consumption and instrumentation, and eliminate the need for personally identifiable data collection.

ADM: What are the most common obstacles faced by mobile app developers?

Singh: Mobile developers are spending less time on their apps and more on analyzing data. Product managers for many mobile apps spend 2-3 hours – with a data scientist – analyzing data for engagement, core game actions and revenue. App publishers struggle with expensive tools to do mundane tasks while relying on experts and high-demand and resource-constrained data scientists.  

ADM: How does mobile BI technology benefit both the app developers deploying it and the app users on the receiving end of it?

Singh: The prominent ways to monetize are still in-app purchases and in-app advertising, which directly correlate with usage and engagement. App publishers can provide the right experience at the right time to users to keep them engaged.  For instance, we know 25-30 percent of app users drop off after the first launch. App publishers can mitigate that by providing a custom onboarding experience for each user.

App users appreciate and tend to use apps that don’t spam them and provide a personal experience at the right time, and at every step of their usage of the app.  

ADM: What level of expertise do app publishers need to have in order to fully utilize all the capabilities of Pyze Growth Intelligence?

Singh: App publishers can utilize 80-85 percent of the platform’s functionality by adding just one line of code to initialize the Smart App Agent. All screen flow funnels, loyalty, cohort and churn analysis, Intelligence data explorations, Growth Automation, auto segmentation, and much more is enabled with that one line of code.

Additionally, we have curated events for a variety of apps, so app publishers know what to instrument in their apps. For example, if you are writing a mobile commerce app, you can get a head start with Pyze Mobile Commerce event classes. Similarly, if you are writing a messaging app or an app for controlling a drone, we have a long list of curated event classes for each of theses verticals. 

ADM: Which industries have most strongly embraced this technology? Who are the early adopters?

Singh: We just exited our private beta and have customers in mobile commerce, gaming, productivity and education industries. We have also seen interest from banking app publishers who want to provide a personalized experience at scale.

ADM:  Where do you see the mobile app industry heading? Which trends are on the rise and on the decline?

Singh: The world is becoming more and more mobile centric. The app market is still growing and expected to grow past $100B in 3-4 years. We use our apps to turn on the house alarm, order a ride, order lunch and so on. Apps are everywhere, on our watches, TVs, appliances and IoT devices, and becoming even more ubiquitous in our lives. It’s imperative that they become more personalized.  

Given the already ferocious competition among the hundreds of thousands of app developers today, the apps that are going to succeed are the ones that personalize the user experience and create meaningful interactions with their users.  

Until now, large app publishers have had a monopoly over intelligence-driven solutions. We are launching Pyze Growth Intelligence because we want to ensure that every app publisher can benefit from this large opportunity.

Read more: http://pyze.com/

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